Our quality management is convincing

mann Objecta is also very broadly positioned in this area. After all, not only is the pure quality assurance of our internal processes and the products we manufacture important to us. The positive appreciation of our corporate standpoints, objectives, and ecological and social efforts is also very important to us.

This can be seen in the fact that Objecta is the holder of several certificates at the same time. We do everything in our power to ensure that these qualifications are always kept up to date. Because standing still means taking a step backwards.

DIN EN ISO 14001
DIN EN ISO 14001
ISO EN 14001  

ISO quality management in a double

For more than 15 years, mann Objecta has had ISO quality management according to "DIN EN ISO 9001". In 2017, certification was extended to include ISO 14001:2015 and converted to ISO 9001:2015. Both standards stand for the fact that mann Objecta sets itself high, measurable and comprehensible quality and environmental management goals. The provision of all the resources required for this purpose is focused on the following areas:

  • the expectations of our customers
  • the control and optimization of work processes
  • our market
  • the current and legal product requirements
  • the environmental aspect

Every employee is obliged to contribute to the achievement of these goals. This is guaranteed by notices, employee training and systematic quality planning. The latter is based on the internal process and work instructions drawn up by mann Objecta. Documentation of the current quality level of our products and services is an indispensable part of this. This enables us to provide our customers with proof of the quality level at any time.


EcoVadis is the world's most reliable provider of sustainability ratings for the performance of global companies. mann Objecta has held a silver EcoVadis award for Corporate Social Responsibility since 2019, and it was able to secure this award again in 2023 and 2024. The four main criteria for receiving this award are:

  • Environmentally friendly measures
  • Labor practices and human rights
  • Business ethics
  • Sustainable procurement

The evaluation does not only focus on the company itself but also on its associated supply chain. mann Objecta has long recognized the need to work proactively with suppliers. Producing durable products is just one part of this. Saving resources and packaging materials is another component. However, it is also part of the company's philosophy to demand compliance with all applicable legal requirements from its suppliers and business partners. Thus, serious hazards to humans and society, such as forced labor, slavery, corruption, and environmental pollution, must be excluded even in the deepest levels of the supply chain. mann Objecta requires its main suppliers to verify these requirements in writing annually.

In EcoVadis' overall assessment, mann Objecta ranks among the top 21% of evaluated companies. In terms of labor and human rights, it stands among the top 29% of firms in the construction and finishing industries.

ecovadis 2020
ecovadis 2020
Silver ecovadis 2019

We support UN Global Compact

As part of this global initiative, we are actively committed to sustainable and responsible corporate governance. Our aim is to integrate the ten principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labor standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption into our corporate strategy and thus make a positive contribution to a sustainable future. We are proud to be part of this movement and to fulfill our responsibility as a company.

More information here.