The focus is on people
For 40 years, mann Objecta has been designing, planning and realising car dealership interiors throughout Europe and worldwide. On the occasion of the anniversary, an article appeared in “AUTOHAUS Bauen 21-2021” in which the shopfitting specialist from Rhede, together with Prof. Ulrich Blum and students from the MSA Münster School of Architecture, takes a look into the future. A project has been launched to develop fresh ideas for the “brandspace” and the car dealership of the future (see also the article about the “kick-off” here).
This is against the background that car buying has changed significantly over the past 40 years. Not only has the range of vehicles grown strongly through new model series and equipment and penetrated new niches, but technological progress has also multiplied the choices for customers: new drive systems, new digital services and novel mobility offers are available. Even in the age of digitalisation, the stationary trade therefore remains a decisive part of the “customer journey” for a product like the car.

The car trade itself is also shaped more than ever by the future topics in sales: by emotional product presentation, by the brand images of manufacturers and importers, by new mobility and agency concepts, by sustainability and, of course, by digitalisation.
Mann Objecta has 40 years of experience in all these areas — especially with regard to spatial conceptualisation and the sales-promoting design and furnishing of car dealerships. This is precisely the approach of the “mann Objecta Principle”, which we have developed and perfected over 40 years. It focuses on people and the “product car” in order to support sales – importantly, individual requirements are elicited in order to map the specific situation of the dealer as well as the location for a modern showroom landscape.
Read the multi-page article from “AUTOHAUS Bauen 21-2021” for more exciting aspects on this topic.
Please feel free to contact us for further “insights” on the topic of the “mann Objecta Principle” and to discuss cooperation possibilities: